Happy New Year! Ringing in the New Year with Pablo Neruda's Nobel Prize speech, "Towards the Splendid City:
http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1971/neruda-lecture.html Article in the Atlantic
"Still, Poetry Will Rise" Why Poetry is Viral in the Aftermath of the Election: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/11/still-poetry-will-rise/507266/ "We must go beyond the arrogance of human rights. We must go beyond the ignorance of civil rights. We must step into the reality of natural rights because all of the natural world has a right to existence and we are only a small part of it. There can be no trade-off." - John Trudell
So grateful to meet Viet Nguyen and to hear him read from his books, THE SYMPATHIZER and NOTHING EVER DIES. Amazing reading and very interesting Q & A afterwards. And Viet signed his books to Tuệ Mỹ Chúc, my birth name, the one on my birth certificate...very special!
Li-Young Lee:
"I feel the real medium for me is silence, so I could be writing in any language. To inflect the inner silence, to give it body, that's all we're doing. You use the voice to make the silence present. The real subject in poetry isn't the voice. The real subject is silence. It's like in architecture, where the medium is not really stone or metal, but space. We use materials—brick, glass, whatever—to inflect the immaterial, space. I would say that the real medium of poetry is inner space, the silence of our deepest interior." Brian Turner's extended interview with Tom McGuire in War, Literature and the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities. Please click here to read: http://wlajournal.com/wlaarchive/27/McGuire.pdf ![]()
AuthorTeresa Mei Chuc is a writer of poetry and creative non-fiction. Archives
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